Becoming a Norwex Consultant FAQ

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One of the things that people tell me they are always looking for more information on is the Norwex Business Opportunity. Training new Norwex Independent Sales Consultants and helping them become successful is one of my favorite parts (probably my absolute favorite part!) of my job, and I want to make sure that you have all of the information that you need to make an educated decision.

Here are the most frequently asked questions about becoming a Norwex Consultant – things like how much commission you can earn, how much your start-up cost will be, etc. Please feel free to contact me if you have a question that isn’t answered here!

Ready to get started? Sign Up Now!

Suzanne’s Norwex Dream Team is a T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More) of motivated and knowledgeable Norwex consultants throughout the United States and Canada, and we would love to have you join our team and start spreading the Norwex Mission!

You can SIGN UP ONLINE (click here), or you can download the Norwex Consultant Sign Up Form HERE!, complete it, and send it to Suzanne by fax (866-265-9230) or scan the completed form onto your computer and send it by email to Don’t hesitate to contact Suzanne via the blog’s contact page or phone her at 651-402-0306. We look forward to having you join us!

General Norwex Consultant Questions

How do I sign up to become a Norwex Consultant?

Signing up to be a Norwex Consultant, is EASY and FAST! Instead of having to fumble with a paper application, you can sign up to be a Norwex consultant using a simple ONLINE application form. Please have the following information handy:

  1. SSN (US) or SIN (CAD) – this is requested to ensure proper reporting of income received as a result of business transactions
  2. Credit Card number – Norwex will need to have an active credit card on file. This card can be in your name or in the name of your spouse. For new Norwex consultants who receive the starter kit for FREE, there is the understanding that you will need to sell $2000 (retail*) within the first 90 days, or Norwex will charge you $200 for your starter kit at the end of the 90 days. The credit card number you give them will be held on file to cover this $200 charge.
  3. Mailing address, phone number, and other basic information about yourself.

The Norwex online application form is for both residents of the USA & Canada, and depending on where you are from, you will be given different options for starter kits. Read the below FAQ to learn more.

How much does it cost to become a Norwex Consultant and what do I get in my start-up kit?

The answer to this depends on where you live:


Norwex FREE Starter Kit (Pay only $9.99 for shipping and handling*)

*Aside from the $9.99 S&H, there is no initial cost for the Norwex USA start-up kit, with the agreement that the new consultant will sell $2000 worth of product within the first 3 months.

It typically takes 3-4 parties to sell $2000, which is about $670 per month. If you do not sell this required amount, you will be billed $200, which is slightly less than the value of the starter kit. I recommend that consultants set aside the earnings from your first party (which is usually $200 or more), to pay for the kit in the event that you don’t sell the required $2000.

Norwex has 3 upgrade packages to choose from at sign up- the Bonus Package, Bonus Plus Package, and Skincare Booster Package. They are a great way to start your business strong with additional products to demo, give away, or try for yourself! Plus, you get a great discount on these packages!


There are 2 options – Read below image for all the information!

Join Norwex Canada!

How should I decide on the right consultant to sign up with?

The consultant who signs you up is responsible for helping you. You should sign up under someone you feel has a high level of integrity, who knows Norwex’s products and procedures, and who can clearly and completely answer your questions.

You should also consider the resources that they have to offer, which may include:

NOTE: All of the items listed are provided to my Dream Team Norwex consultants!

Even if you don’t think you will ever sell Norwex to others, and are just joining to get a discount on your own purchases (or those for friends and family), you may someday decide that you want to do more. At that point, you’ll want to be part of a healthy team of knowledgeable people who can help you with your Norwex business.

Norwex is my full-time job, and I am committed to helping you succeed! It is my responsibility to keep you informed and help you to set and reach attainable goals as a Norwex consultant. I lead one of the top teams in the United States (and globally), and we are a wonderful team to join! We have a group of hard working, ethical Norwex consultants spread throughout the United States. All consultants at any level of the Dream Team are supported with team emails, conference calls, webinars, monthly meetings, one-on-one coaching calls, and access to our amazing team training and support website.

We would love to have you join us. Please CONTACT ME for more information on joining my team and to learn about the additional items we offer to Dream Team members. I would love to hear from you!

Do I need to live in the same location as my sponsor?

No, you do not have to live in the same town, province or state, or even the same country as the consultant you’ll sign up under.

Although it would be great to sign up with someone knowledgeable and motivated who lives close to you, the communication technology available today makes “long distance sponsorship” very easy and highly effective. You would be better off signing up with someone knowledgeable who has readily available resources for you, even if they live somewhere else.

I am happy to talk to you anytime about the pros and cons of signing up under someone who is close to you geographically vs the importance of joining a team with superior training tools and marketing resources. Please contact me with questions.

Can I just buy the product for my own use and not sell it to others?

You absolutely can! You’re getting a 35% discount on your Norwex product, which is a fantastic deal. It is important to remember though, that you need to purchase a retail total of $250 in any 6 month month period of time to remain a current consultant (on Norwex’ files).

Don’t be surprised though, if after using the products you find yourself wanting to tell everyone you know about how wonderful they are… you may just be on your way to a successful business, even if you’re not planning on it!

What other benefits are there to becoming a Norwex Consultant, other than earning commission on my Norwex sales?

There are many! In the United States, a new consultant who sells $2,000.00 within 90 days gets their start-up kit for FREE, which is a $200 value.

What products should I have in my Norwex kit?

Your starter kit will come with a few products in it, but if you plan to do home shows, you’ll need a few more things. I recommend that you purchase the following in addition to what comes in your starter kit:

You can earn many of these items for free by hosting your own Grand Opening / Kick-Off Party.

Should I keep inventory of Norwex products in my home?

Many people really like it when they can buy something at a home party and take it with them that night. If you want to keep inventory, you will sell it. You are not required to keep an inventory, and Norwex makes it very easy to do business without a personal inventory.When you do a home party, it’s acceptable to bring your well-stocked kit along so that people can see the products first-hand, and your customers will order from the Norwex catalog.

Products ship quickly from our warehouse, and are able to be shipped directly to the hostess or consultant. You may want to keep some items on hand; basics like our Household Package, Laundry Detergent, and Body Pack cloths. I find that people call me frequently wanting to stop by and pick up these items when they run out or want to give them as a gift.

Is Norwex a pyramid scheme?

No. Norwex is a direct sales company like Tupperware, Avon, Mary Kay, etc. and sells legitimate retail products to consumers. Here is how to tell whether any opportunity is a legitimate multi-level marketing opportunity rather than a pyramid scheme.

  1. Product and Price – Does the company offer a high quality product for which there is a strong demand in the real world marketplace? Is the product fairly priced and priced competitively with similar products? Can the product be demonstrated, and does it stand out when you show it to friends? Is the product proprietary to the company, and available only through its distributors? (Have you ever noticed that you can’t buy Avon products in stores or Shaklee vitamins at pharmacies?) Is it backed up with a customer satisfaction guarantee? Is post-sales service or customer assistance available? Do the people who participate in the program buy the product enthusiastically based on its own merits, even if they don’t participate in the compensation program?
  2. Second, No Investment Requirement – Can you participate in the company’s program without having to make any investment other than purchasing a sales kit or demonstration materials sold at company cost?
  3. Third, Look at Purchase and Inventory Requirements – Can you become a distributor or sales representative without having to fulfill a minimum up-front purchase or inventory requirement? (When you are pitched to put thousands of dollars of inventory at the very beginning, run fast in the opposite direction.) Does the company’s compensation plan discourage inventory loading? Garages and backrooms filled with product serve no useful purpose to anyone.
  4. Fourth, Look at the Sales Commissions Sources – Are sales commissions paid only on actual products or services sold through distributors in the network to the end-user or ultimate consumer? (This means that products don’t end up in basements and closets. They are used, because they have genuine value.) Does the compensation plan avoid paying commissions or bonuses for the mere act of sponsoring or recruiting? (If it pays headhunting fees, it is illegal.)
  5. Fifth, Check the Buy-Back Policy – Will the company buy back inventory and sales kit materials from distributors who cancel their participation in the program, as long as these items are in resalable condition? (This policy is required in states that have adopted multilevel distribution statutes.)
  6. Sixth and Very Important, Look for Retail Sales – Is there an emphasis on actual retail sales to end-consumers? Can the company demonstrate efforts to market products to the ultimate consumer? Do the company’s distributors have ongoing retailing requirements to qualify for commissions? What is a “retail sale?” The industry and many MLM statutes include both sales to nonparticipants and purchases in reasonable amounts for personal use by distributors. Some regulatory groups, including the FTC, have historically rejected personal use as a legitimate retail sale. Stay tuned as this debate continues. The legislative trend is definitely supportive of the industry position.
  7. Seventh, Expect an Active and not Passive Role for Distributors – Are distributors in the company required to actively participate in the development and management of their networks? (Many of the MLM statutes require that distributors perform bona fide, supervisory, distributing, selling, or soliciting functions in moving product to the ultimate consumer.)
  8. Eighth, Watch Out for Earnings Misrepresentations – Do the company’s literature and training materials scrupulously avoid claims of income potential that is promises of specific income levels other than demonstrations of verifiable income levels within its program? (The Federal Trade Commission, attorneys general, and postal inspectors all have their eyes on the matter of earnings representations. The acceptable approach emerging is that there should be no earnings representations unless they are based on a verifiable track record of the average earnings of distributors. For instance, a company should have statistics to show the percentage of active distributors and the average earnings of active distributors.)
  9. Finally, Look for Good Training – Does the company offer its independent distributors solid training opportunities in sales and recruitment? Are different levels of training offered to match the increasing levels of experience and responsibilities of distributors?

Consultant Requirements

Who can become a Norwex Consultant?

You can sign up as a Norwex consultant if you live in either Canada or the United States. Norwex does operate in the below listed countries as well, but if you are from any of these countries and you’re reading this blog, you cannot become a Norwex consultant through a North American Representative. You will need to find a Norwex consultant from your country, contact them, and they will be able to help you. Please visit to visit the websites from:

What are the monthly sales requirements?

There are no monthly sales requirements. If you want to be able to continue to receive a consultant discount, however, you must remain “current” – this means selling $250 retail in product (or purchasing for your own use or for gifts) in any 6 month period. Because you get a 35% discount on your purchases, this amounts to $162.50 every 6 months, or a monthly amount of $27. There are three types of consultants:

  1. A Current Consultant is a consultant that maintains retail sales of $250 every 6 months to remain current in our system. This does not have to be purchased all at once, but can be purchased over the course of 6 months. When a consultant does not meet this minimum requirement they will be considered as “Inactive” in our system.
  2. An Active Consultant maintains sales of $250 every 3 months.
  3. An Engaged Consultant is a consultant who has $250 in sales in the current month. Promotions are based on engaged consultants. As a Team Coordinator through to Senior Vice President Sales Leader, you are also required to meet your minimum sales requirement. Please refer to the current Success Builders brochure for more information.
What terms & conditions must I agree to in order to become a Norwex Consultant?

Norwex is very easy to get along with, but as a consultant you are expected to know and follow the rules. You will be given the full Norwex Terms & Conditions document and the Policies & Procedures document prior to signing up, and you should read them thoroughly, but in a nutshell, Norwex consultants agree to…

  1. purchase the sales kit and sustain a minimum of $250.00 (retail) in personal sales over any six month period in order to remain active.
  2. represent Norwex Enviro Products ethically and in accordance with Norwex’s policies.
  3. participate in training if you sell Norwex products to others.
  4. be responsible to correctly submit and pay for your Norwex orders.
  5. keep your own tax records as an independent contractor.
  6. make no false or misleading statements concerning Norwex Enviro Products or its products.
  7. seek prior approval from Norwex Enviro Products if you create media, develop materials or place any advertisements of any kind for use in training, soliciting, or attracting customers and/or representatives.

There is also a Media Policy document that you will need to read through and agree to. This is a detailed policy explaining how you are expected to conduct your business if you choose to do any online/internet marketing.

Dream Team Norwex Consultant Training

How do I learn about the Norwex products and develop my product knowledge?

The best way to learn about Norwex products is to try them! Of course, when you sign up as a Norwex Consultant, you will have access to training manuals and DVD’s. Norwex also offers a variety of webinars that are free of charge for consultants, and the consultant website that you will be provided with (your own!), has excellent training resources on both products as well as how to place orders, and all other manner of administrative training.

My Dream Team has an exclusive Team Training website and regular conference calls and webinars, free of charge, to which you will get access once you have joined our team!

As my Norwex leader and mentor, how do you communicate with the consultants on your team?

To keep my consultants from being overwhelmed by an inundation of emails from me, I try to just send out one weekly team update by email, and to contact my personal consultants by telephone from time to time. I also have a team Facebook group where we regularly communicate with active consultants. The communication is tailored to what YOU want in order to most effectively meet your goals as a Norwex consultant. I am available to you by email and telephone at any time and I encourage you to contact me when you have any questions about your Norwex business.

Profit Margin and Norwex Product Discount

Do I need to have a credit card to become a Norwex Consultant?

Yes. Norwex requires that you must have a credit card in your own name, and you must pay for each order before it is shipped. Your credit card is charged when you receive cash or check payment for your Norwex sales.

What is the profit on Norwex product sales?

For Norwex Party and direct sales, you earn 35% profit! Norwex has one of the highest commission rates in the home party/direct sales industry! We also have the opportunity to earn fantastic bonuses from time to time.

How do I receive my commission on my Norwex sales?

Cash or Check – Immediate Profit

When a customer pays you by cash or check, you already have your profit. This is because when you make that customer’s order, Norwex will charge you the discounted amount for the products. In the meantime, your customer has already given you the full retail amount for the products.

Example: Nancy orders a Rainbow Pack for $57.99 and gives you a check for that amount. When you order Nancy’s Rainbow Pack from Norwex, you will be charged only 65% of the $57.99, leaving you with a 35% profit.

Credit Card – Commission check from Norwex (paid by DIRECT DEPOSIT)

When a customer pays you by credit card, Norwex will direct deposit your commission on a bi-weekly basis, direct to your bank account.

Example: Nancy orders a Rainbow Pack for $57.99 and pays that amount by credit card. When you order Nancy’s Rainbow Pack from Norwex, Norwex will charge Nancy’s credit card for the full $57.99, while your actual cost to purchase the product from Norwex is only 65% of that. This leaves you with a 35% profit, which Norwex will direct deposit that amount to your bank account.

How much time does it take to do a Norwex Party?

It will take you about 30 minutes to do set up at the hosts home. The actual presentation takes between 45 minutes to 1 hour, and then the guests have to place their orders which takes an additional hour. You will also spend an additional 60-90 minutes on hostess coaching (before the party), driving to the hostesses home, placing the orders, and customer follow up. So your total time, when all is finished, would be between 3 – 3½ hours.

Marketing My Norwex Business

Where can I sell Norwex Products?

Norwex consultants have a great deal of freedom to decide where and how to sell their products. Not only can you sell Norwex at home parties, but you can also…

Can I sell Norwex on eBay,, or other auction/sales site?

No. As with almost every other direct sales company, this is strictly prohibited by Norwex.

Can I advertise my Norwex business?

Yes, with the provision that you get approval from Norwex for any media you’ve created. The Norwex Dream Team (Suzanne’s team) has many pre-approved advertising materials that can be customized for your use.

Does Norwex offer its consultant a shopping/eCommerce website?

YES! Norwex now offers a personalized website to help you grow your business! There is a very low monthly fee to maintain the website, and it takes you less than 15 minutes to get it customized and up and running!

It is an invaluable tool for your business. The website allows your customers easy access to shopping from the privacy of their homes, and the newsletter that goes out monthly alerts your customers to the Norwex monthly specials. Think of the Office Suite as a tool that can build sales AFTER your Norwex home parties, as well as a place to direct potential customers to shop through you. You will be informed of how to sign up for the website once you have become a consultant. The website will look like my website.

Can I create y own Norwex shopping/eCommerce website?

No you can not create your own Norwex Shopping/e-commerce website. Your website will be just like my site, but with your picture in the top right corner!

Can I blog about my Norwex business and/or the products?

Yes! This is a great way to give your Norwex business widespread exposure. You will be sure to want to follow the Norwex blog guidelines; contact for more details once you are a consultant.

Sign Up Now!

Suzanne’s Norwex Dream Team is a T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More) of motivated and knowledgeable Norwex consultants throughout the United States and Canada, and we would love to have you join our team and start spreading the Norwex Mission!

You can SIGN UP ONLINE (click here), or you can download the Norwex Consultant Sign Up Form HERE!, complete it, and send it to Suzanne by fax (866-265-9230) or scan the completed form onto your computer and send it by email to Don’t hesitate to contact Suzanne via the blog’s contact page or phone her at 651-402-0306. We look forward to having you join us!

September 3, 2024 by Suzanne Holt