Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Laws and Regulations United States 2024

ICLG - Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Laws and Regulations - United States Chapter covers common issues in enforcement of foreign judgments laws and regulations through the detailing of the general enforcement regime, enforcement regime applicable to judgments from certain countries, and methods of enforce.

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1. Country Finder

1.1 Please set out the various regimes applicable to recognising and enforcing judgments in your jurisdiction and the names of the countries to which such special regimes apply.

Applicable Law/Statutory Regime

Relevant Jurisdiction(s)

Corresponding Section Below

Sections 2, 4, & 5.

Uniform Foreign Money Judgments Recognition Act of 1962 (the “1962 Uniform Act”).

All countries (adopted by a majority of U.S. states).

Sections 2, 4, & 5.

Uniform Foreign-Country Money Judgments Recognition Act (2005) (the “2005 Recognition Act”).

All countries (adopted by a minority of U.S. states).

Sections 2, 4, & 5.

2. General Regime

2.1 Absent any applicable special regime, what is the legal framework under which a foreign judgment would be recognised and enforced in your jurisdiction?

The United States is not party to any treaty on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, nor are there federal laws governing foreign judgments. The legal framework for enforcing foreign judgments in the United States is in the local laws of individual states. The various state laws share certain fundamental principles. Courts will, for example, generally apply comity to give foreign judgments substantial deference, as expressed by the U.S. Supreme Court in Hilton v. Guyot, 159 U.S. 113 (1895). “[W]here there has been opportunity for a full and fair trial abroad before a court of competent jurisdiction, conducting the trial upon regular proceedings, after due citation or voluntary appearance of the defendant, and under a system of jurisprudence likely to secure an impartial administration of justice”, the merits of the case “should not … be tried afresh” in an enforcement action. Id. at 202–3. Arbitration awards receive more favourable treatment than foreign judgments because the United States is a party to the United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (the “New York Convention”) the Inter-American Convention on International Commercial Arbitration (the “Panama Convention”), and the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (the “ICSID Convention”).

Nonetheless, most states, including New York, Florida, and Texas, have enacted a version of the Uniform Foreign Money Judgments Recognition Act of 1962 (the “1962 Uniform Act”), which governs the recognition of foreign money judgments. Some states, including California and the District of Columbia, have enacted a version of the revised 2005 Uniform Foreign-Country Money Judgments Recognition Act (the “2005 Uniform Act”) (together with the 1962 Uniform Act, the “Uniform Acts”). However, individual state statutes modelled on one of the Uniform Acts and interpretative case law can differ.

2.2 What constitutes a ‘judgment’ capable of recognition and enforcement in your jurisdiction?

Foreign judgments subject to recognition and enforcement under the Uniform Acts must grant or deny recovery of a sum of money. Non-money judgments, such as those that grant declaratory or injunctive relief, are excluded from coverage by the Uniform Acts, as are judgments for taxes, fines or other penalties, or judgments “for divorce, support, or maintenance, or other judgment[s] rendered in connection with domestic relations”. See 1962 Uniform Act § 1(2); 2005 Uniform Act
§ 3(a)–(b); see also N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 5301(b); Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 1715(a)–(b). That a particular judgment is not covered by a Uniform Act does not necessarily mean that judgment is unenforceable. The Restatement (Third) of Foreign Relations Law § 481(1) (Am. Law Inst. 1987) has a broader sweep than the Uniform Acts and is persuasive authority in many states. It provides that foreign judgments “establishing or confirming the status of a person, or determining interests in property” are also entitled to recognition.

Generally recognised rules of comity provide that a court will only recognise a “final and valid” foreign judgment. Pilkington Bros. P.L.C. v. AFG Indus. Inc., 581 F. Supp. 1039, 1045 (D. Del. 1984). Both Uniform Acts provide that a foreign judgment must be: (i) final; (ii) conclusive; and (iii) enforceable in its country of origin. See 1962 Uniform Act § 2; 2005 Uniform Act § 3(a)(2); N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 5302; Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 1715(a)(2); Fla. Stat. § 55.603 (2023). Under the 1962 Uniform Act, a foreign judgment is “final” even if an appeal of the judgment is pending or the judgment is subject to appeal. See 1962 Uniform Act § 2. However, as a practical matter, a U.S. court will often stay proceedings if there is an appeal pending in the country of origin. See, e.g., N.Y. C.P.L.R. §§ 5302, 5306; Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 1720; Fla. Stat. §§ 55.603, 55.607 (2015). A foreign money judgment is considered “conclusive” between the parties to the extent it grants or denies recovery of a sum of money. See, e.g., N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 5303; Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 1715(a); Fla. Stat. §§ 55.602(2), 55.603 (2023). To determine if a foreign judgment is enforceable in its home jurisdiction, a U.S. court will examine whether the judgment is capable of being enforced under the law of the country where the judgment was issued. See Sea Trade Maritime Corp. v. Coutsodontis, 21 N.Y.S. 3d 887, 887 (N.Y. App. Div. 2016); Soc’y of Lloyd’s v. Sumerel, No. 2:06-cv-329-FtM- 29DNF, 2007 WL 2114381, at *5 (M.D. Fla. July 20, 2007).

The requisite form of a foreign judgment eligible for recognition varies from state to state. New York, for example, requires an authenticated copy of the foreign judgment and an English translation of the judgment accompanied by an affidavit by the translator. See N.Y. C.P.L.R. §§ 2101(b), 5402(a). Local state rules must be consulted for such formalities.

2.3 What requirements (in form and substance) must a foreign judgment satisfy in order to be recognised and enforceable in your jurisdiction?

Under the Uniform Acts, a judgment must either award or deny the recovery of money, be final and conclusive between the involved parties, and be capable of enforcement in the judgment’s home country. See 1962 Uniform Act § 3; 2005 Uniform Act § 3(a)(2).

Section 6 of the 2005 Uniform Act requires the judgment holder to initiate legal proceedings against the debtor. In 2021, New York’s Uniform Foreign Country Money Judgments Recognition Act was amended to provide that a request for recognition of a foreign judgment should be raised by filing either a complaint or a motion for summary judgment in lieu of a complaint. N.Y. C.P.L.R. 5303(b). In cases where recognition is sought within an already existing proceeding, “the issue of recognition may be raised by counterclaim, cross-claim or affirmative defense”. N.Y. C.P.L.R. 5303(c).

A petitioner who files a motion for summary judgment in lieu of a complaint under N.Y. C.P.L.R. 3213 must attach a summons, notice of motion, affirmation, affidavits, exhibits, and a memorandum of law. The petitioner must authenticate the foreign judgment in compliance with federal law, such as Fed. R. Civ. P. 44 or Fed. R. Evid. 902(3), or the law of New York. The authenticated judgment should be filed within 90 days from the authentication date. Additionally, the judgment holder is required to promptly submit a Request for Judicial Intervention.

Under certain circumstances the petitioner must furnish additional documentation to the court. A certified English translation is required if the judgment was issued in a foreign language. Unless apparent from the judgment itself, the petitioner must present an affidavit, in English, from a legal expert in the judgment’s home jurisdiction that the judgment is final, conclusive, and enforceable in the home jurisdiction. If the expert refers to foreign legal authorities, both the original authorities and translated copies must be provided. Sea Trade Mar. Corp. v. Coutsodontis, 978 N.Y.S.2d 115, 117–18 (App. Div. 2013); John R. Higgitt, Supplementary Practice Commentaries, N.Y. C.P.L.R. 3213, at 704–05 (Supp. 2020).

2.4 What (if any) connection to the jurisdiction is required for your courts to accept jurisdiction for recognition and enforcement of a foreign judgment?

To recognise and enforce a foreign judgment, a U.S. court must generally have: (1) personal jurisdiction over the judgment debtor or jurisdiction over the judgment debtor’s assets in the forum state; and (2) subject matter jurisdiction over the action. Although the precise formulation of the standard for personal jurisdiction varies from state to state, the touchstone for personal jurisdiction over a non-resident judgment debtor is whether the debtor has “minimum contacts” with the forum state “such that the maintenance of the suit does not offend traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice”. See Int’l Shoe Co. v. Wash., 326 U.S. 310, 316 (1945) (internal quotation marks omitted). In New York, a judgment creditor seeking recognition and enforcement of a foreign judgment does not need to establish personal jurisdiction over the judgment debtor, at least when the judgment debtor’s assets are located in the state. Similarly, other states require personal jurisdiction over the judgment debtor or the debtor’s property in order to recognise and enforce a foreign judgment in their state. See, e.g., Electrolines, Inc. v. Prudential Assurance Co., Ltd., 260 Mich. App. 144, 163 (Mich. Ct. App. 2003); Restatement (Third) of Foreign Relations Law § 481 cmt. h (1987). However, the defence of lack of personal jurisdiction is waivable.

Subject matter jurisdiction is mainly an issue in federal court because the federal courts have limited subject matter jurisdiction that is specified in federal law as contrasted with the general jurisdiction possessed by state trial courts. The federal courts are only available for foreign judgment enforcement if there is diversity jurisdiction (i.e., the claim exceeds $75,000 and the parties are citizens of different states) or federal question jurisdiction (i.e., the claim arises under U.S. federal law). See 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331–1332. Even if a federal court has jurisdiction, local state law applies to substantive issues.

Parties seeking to enforce foreign arbitral awards in the U.S. will face variations in procedural and jurisdictional regulations, dictated by both treaty obligations and statutory provisions (in particular, the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”)).

2.5 Is there a difference between recognition and enforcement of judgments? If so, what are the legal effects of recognition and enforcement respectively?

“Recognition” and “enforcement” are distinct concepts in U.S. practice. A party seeking to enforce a foreign judgment must assert a claim in federal or state court to have the judgment “recognised” – in other words, converted into a U.S. judgment and thus considered res judicata (claim preclusive) with respect to other actions between the parties in the recognising jurisdiction. A judicially recognised foreign judgment is enforceable as a domestic judgment and entitled to full faith and credit in other U.S. courts. See Nadd v. Le Credit Lyonnais, S.A., 804 So.2d 1226, 1231–33 (Fla. 2001). The judgment can be enforced against assets over which the enforcing court has jurisdiction (generally those located in the state).

2.6 Briefly explain the procedure for recognising and enforcing a foreign judgment in your jurisdiction.

Generally, a party must either commence a new action seeking recognition or seek recognition through a counterclaim, cross-claim, or affirmative defence in a pending action. See, e.g., N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 5303; Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 1718. Some states, like New York, allow a party to seek an expedited judgment recognising a foreign judgment. See N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 5303. The party must establish that the foreign judgment is final, conclusive, and enforceable in its country of origin. This is typically accomplished by presenting a certified copy of the foreign judgment, an official translation, and a witness statement from a lawyer from the foreign jurisdiction explaining that the judgment is authentic and final. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 44(a)(2) (requirements for authenticating a foreign record). Assuming there are no disputes of material fact, the U.S. court will decide whether the foreign judgment may be recognised as a legal question (i.e., without a jury). The court recognises the foreign judgment by entering a local judgment on it.

2.7 On what grounds can recognition/enforcement of a judgment be challenged? When can such a challenge be made?

A defendant can oppose the recognition of a foreign judgment by raising defences based on comity. For example, our courts will not recognise foreign judgments where doing so would be “prejudicial to the interests” of the U.S., Int’l Nutrition Co. v. Horphag Research Ltd., 257 F.3d 1324, 1329 (Fed. Cir. 2001), or where a foreign judgment was “obtained in a manner that did not accord with the basics of due process[,]” Bank Melli Iran v. Pahlavi, 58 F.3d 1406, 1410 (9th Cir. 1995). Due process is generally satisfied if the foreign court had personal jurisdiction over the defendant and that the defendant had notice and the opportunity to defend against the plaintiff’s claims before an impartial tribunal. Hilton, 159 U.S. at 205–06; Soc’y of Lloyd’s v. Reinhart, 402 F.3d 982, 993 (10 th Cir. 2005). While U.S. courts do not require that the laws and procedures of the rendering nation be identical to those in the U.S., courts will look to ensure that the foreign court procedures are “fundamentally fair”. Soc’y of Lloyd’s v. Ashenden, 233 F.3d 473, 477 (7th Cir. 2000) (internal quotation marks omitted).

Each state that has adopted one of the Uniform Acts has also adopted mandatory and discretionary grounds to refuse recognition of a foreign judgment. These vary by state. For example, New York courts must refuse to recognise a foreign judgment if: (1) the judgment was “rendered under a judicial system [which] does not provide impartial tribunals or procedures compatible with the requirements of due process of law”; (2) “the foreign court did not have personal jurisdiction over the defendant”; or (3) “the foreign court did not have jurisdiction over the subject matter”. N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 5304(a)(1)-(3). New York courts also have nine discretionary grounds under which they can refuse to recognise a judgment. N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 5304(b). These include: (1) the judgment debtor failed to receive notice of the proceedings in the foreign court in sufficient time to allow for defences; (2) the judgment was obtained by fraud; (3) the judgment (or the cause of action or claim for relief) is repugnant to New York or the United States’ public policy; (4) the judgment conflicts with another final and conclusive judgment; (5) the proceeding in the foreign country violated an agreement between the parties establishing a process other than a proceeding in a foreign court; (6) in the case of jurisdiction based on personal service, the foreign court was “a seriously inconvenient forum” for the trial of the action; (7) the judgment was rendered “in circumstances that raise substantial doubt about the integrity of the rendering courts with respect to the judgment”; (8) the specific proceeding in the foreign court leading to the judgment “was not compatible with the requirements of due process of law”; or (9) the cause of action resulted in a defamation judgment obtained in a jurisdiction outside the United States, unless the U.S. court determines that the defamation law applied in the foreign court “provided at least as much protection for freedom of speech and press” as would be provided by the U.S. and New York constitutions. N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 5304(b).

U.S. courts are likely to deny recognition of a foreign judgment if it was rendered by a judicial system that failed to provide due process. See Int’l Transactions, Ltd. v. Embotelladora Agral Regiomontana, S.A., 347 F.3d 589, 593–96 (5th Cir. 2003). The courts will also deny recognition if the judgment violates U.S. public policy, although this standard is high and rarely met (Sarl Louis Feraud Int’l v. Viewfinder, Inc., 489 F.3d 474, 479–80 (2d Cir. 2007)). A foreign judgment only violates public policy if it is directly contrary to a fundamental U.S. policy, or violates the most basic notions of U.S. morality and justice (Sung Hwan Co., Ltd. v. Rite Aid Corp., 850 N.E. 2d 647, 650 (N.Y. 2006) (internal citation omitted)). For example, a foreign judgment that impinges on an individual’s freedom of religion, speech, press, or assembly – as outlined in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution – may be found to be repugnant to U.S. public policy and therefore subject to non-recognition. In this regard, a New York state court refused to recognise an English libel judgment on the ground that doing so would impinge on the constitutionally guaranteed rights of freedom of speech and press (Bachchan v. India Abroad Publ’n Inc., 154 Misc. 2d 228, 235 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 1992)).

A party that seeks to avoid recognition of a foreign judgment must show an applicable ground for non-recognition. See 2005 Uniform Act § 4(d). The party may raise such grounds as defences to a recognition action.

Counsel should consult the laws of the individual states, as each state that has adopted a version of the Uniform Acts has varying mandatory and discretionary bases for non-recognition of a foreign judgment.

2.8 What, if any, is the relevant legal framework applicable to recognising and enforcing foreign judgments relating to specific subject matters?

As noted in questions 2.1 and 2.2 above, the Uniform Acts apply specifically to foreign money judgments. The Uniform Acts do not apply to foreign judgments for taxes, fines, penalties or domestic relations.

Because taxes, fines, and monetary penal judgments serve to raise revenue for public purposes and are generally considered to be matters of public law, they are outside of the scope of recognition and enforcement of judgments in private civil suits. See Restatement (Third) of Foreign Relations Law § 483, n.3 (1987) (noting that “[u]nless required to do so by treaty, no state enforces the penal judgments of other states”). As a general rule, the U.S. adheres to the concept that the courts of one nation will not enforce the penal laws of another nation. See Huntington v. Attrill, 146 US 657, 673–74 (1892). Courts must determine whether the nature of a money judgment is remedial. If a money judgment is directed to a private individual, and does not stand to redress a public wrong, recognition can be sought in the U.S. See, e.g., Plata v. Darbun Enters., Inc., No. D062517, 2014 WL 341667, at *5 (Cal. Ct. App. 2014).

By contrast, while the Uniform Acts do not require recognition of domestic relations judgments (see, e.g., 2005 Uniform Act § 3(b)(3)), they do not prohibit recognition of such judgments. Domestic relations judgments may be recognised under common law principles of comity. Several federal statutes and international agreements also facilitate the recognition of domestic relations judgments across borders. These include the International Support Enforcement Act, 42 U.S.C. § 659a (1996), the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, the 1993 Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, and the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act.

Finally, several categories of judgments are enforceable under particular federal statutes and treaties. For instance, the New York and Panama Conventions require U.S. courts to honour an agreement to arbitrate and the resulting award (with certain exceptions) and the ICSID Convention establishes the legal framework for the settlement of investment arbitrations between foreign investors and sovereign states.

2.9 What is your court’s approach to recognition and enforcement of a foreign judgment when there is: (a) a conflicting local judgment between the parties relating to the same issue; or (b) local proceedings pending between the parties?

Courts in states with statutes modelled on the Uniform Acts may decline to recognise a foreign judgment if it “conflicts with another final and conclusive judgment”. See, e.g., N.Y. C.P.L.R.
§ 5304(b)(5). In general, the later of the two inconsistent judgments will be recognised by a U.S. court; however, courts have the discretion to recognise the earlier judgment or neither one (Restatement (Third) of Foreign Relations Law § 482 cmt. g (1987)).

Depending on the state, local proceedings that are pending between the parties can affect how a foreign judgment is treated. Some states, like New York and California, allow parties seeking enforcement of foreign judgments in pending state actions to raise the issue as a counterclaim, cross-claim or affirmative defence seeking preclusive recognition. See N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 5303; Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 1718(b). Other states, like Texas, require a party seeking to enforce a foreign judgment to file an authenticated copy of the judgment with the court in lieu of commencing a separate action. See Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. § 36.0041.

2.10 What is your court’s approach to recognition and enforcement of a foreign judgment when there is a conflicting local law or prior judgment on the same or a similar issue, but between different parties?

When the foreign court’s judgment conflicts with U.S. law, whether statutory or case law, a court in the proper circumstances may refuse to recognise the foreign judgment on public policy grounds. See Ohno v. Yasuma, 723 F.3d 984,1003 (9th Cir. 2013) at 1003–04 (discussing cases). However, as noted above, the courts apply a high standard to the public policy defence. A foreign judgment does not automatically offend U.S. public policy merely because it conflicts with local law. See Sarl Louis Feraud Int’l, 489 F.3d at 479–80.

2.11 What is your court’s approach to recognition and enforcement of a foreign judgment that purports to apply the law of your country?

The fact that the foreign court applied either U.S. federal law or state law when rendering its judgment would not result in the examination of the merits of the judgment by the court where recognition or enforcement is sought. This is true even if a party asserts that the foreign court incorrectly applied U.S. law.

2.12 Are there any differences in the rules and procedure of recognition and enforcement between the various states/regions/provinces in your country? Please explain.

As discussed above in question 2.1, it is critical to evaluate the law of the state where recognition and enforcement are sought. Each U.S. jurisdiction has its own law on foreign judgments. Most states have adopted statutes generally based on one of the Uniform Acts, but with various differences. Some states continue to follow Hilton’s common law approach. Each state’s rules are different. For example, if the foreign court did not have subject matter jurisdiction over the dispute, the governing Florida and California statutes require denying recognition of the foreign judgment. See Fla. Stat. Ann. § 55.605(1)(c); Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 1716(b)(3). New York courts, by contrast, have discretion to deny recognition on this basis, but are not required to do so. See N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 5304(b)(1).

Florida courts and those of a few other states have the statutory discretion to refuse to recognise a foreign judgment if the foreign jurisdiction would not reciprocate by recognising a Florida judgment. See, e.g., Fla. Stat. Ann. § 55.605(2)(g). New York and California law do not include “non-reciprocity” as a statutory basis for non-recognition.

2.13 What is the relevant limitation period to recognise and enforce a foreign judgment?

Each state has its own statute of limitations. The 1962 Uniform Act does not specify a statute of limitations; states adopting this act typically apply either the state’s general statute of limitations or the statute of limitations for enforcing domestic judgments. In contrast, the 2005 Uniform Act includes a statute of limitations, indicating that a party seeking recognition of a foreign judgment must initiate legal proceedings within the earlier of either: (a) the period during which the foreign judgment is effective in the foreign country; or (b) 15 years from the date it becomes effective there. Some states that have adopted the 2005 Uniform Act impose different time constraints. For example, California mandates that “[a]n action to recognize a foreign-country judgment shall be commenced within the earlier of the time during which the foreign-country judgment is effective in the foreign country or 10 years from the date that the foreign-country judgment became effective in the foreign country” (Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 1721). Recent amendments in New York specify that if there is no enforcement limitation in the country of origin, recognition must be sought within 20 years from the date the judgment became effective in the foreign country. N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 211(b).

3. Special Enforcement Regimes Applicable to Judgments from Certain Countries

3.1 With reference to each of the specific regimes set out in question 1.1, what requirements (in form and substance) must the judgment satisfy in order to be recognised and enforceable under the respective regime?

This is not applicable in the U.S. See section 2 above.

3.2 With reference to each of the specific regimes set out in question 1.1, does the regime specify a difference between recognition and enforcement? If so, what is the difference between the legal effect of recognition and enforcement?

This is not applicable in the U.S. See section 2 above.

3.3 With reference to each of the specific regimes set out in question 1.1, briefly explain the procedure for recognising and enforcing a foreign judgment.

This is not applicable in the U.S. See section 2 above.

3.4 With reference to each of the specific regimes set out in question 1.1, on what grounds can recognition/enforcement of a judgment be challenged under the special regime? When can such a challenge be made?

This is not applicable in the U.S. See section 2 above.

4. Enforcement

4.1 Once a foreign judgment is recognised and enforced, what are the general methods of enforcement available to a judgment creditor?

Recognition of a foreign judgment converts it into an enforceable domestic judgment. See, e.g., N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 5303; Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 1719(b); Fla. Stat. Ann. § 55.604(5). The judgment creditor has access to the full panoply of state law judgment enforcement remedies, such as injunctions, notices of pendency, orders of attachment, and receivership. Attachment actions are often the vehicle of choice for enforcing foreign judgments. In New York, for example, the methods available to enforce a judgment are set forth in New York’s Civil Practice Law and Rules. These methods include enforcement devices such as: (1) the restraining notice, which can be served without court leave and which freezes property, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 5222; (2) subpoenas, which the judgment creditor can use to inquire into the existence and location of the judgment debtor’s property, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 5224; (3) property execution, which can direct an authorised official like a sheriff or marshal to seize and sell the debtor’s property (including property previously frozen by a restraining notice) and pay the judgment creditor out of the proceeds, N.Y. C.P.L.R.
§ 5230; and (4) income execution, which allows the judgment creditor to reach up to 10% of the debtor’s income, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 5231. See generally N.Y. C.P.L.R. art. 52.

Notably, New York law also provides for a “turn-over” order, which can require turn-over of a judgment debtor’s assets held by a third party subject to the state’s jurisdiction – in some cases, even if the judgment debtor and its assets are located outside of the U.S. See N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 5225; see also N.Y. C.P.L.R. §§ 5226–27.

Many states exempt certain property of individual debtors, such as a residence, from enforcement, often subject to a monetary cap. See, e.g., N.Y. C.P.L.R. §§ 5205–06.

5. Other Matters

5.1 Have there been any noteworthy recent (in the last 12 months) legal developments in your jurisdiction relevant to the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments? Please provide a brief description.

In the case of Yegiazaryan v. Smagin, 599 U.S. 533 (2023), the U.S. Supreme Court opened the door for foreign judgment creditors to use the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (“RICO”) – which permits the recovery of treble damages and legal fees – as a tool to enforce international arbitration awards. The plaintiff had obtained an arbitration award against the defendant London in connection with a failed real estate project in Russia. The plaintiff sued the defendant in U.S. federal court in California to enforce the award, but the defendant allegedly engaged in a series of fraudulent transactions to prevent the plaintiff from collecting on the judgment. The plaintiff then brought a RICO claim against the defendant. The Supreme Court held that the foreign plaintiff had sufficiently alleged a “domestic injury” sufficient to make out a RICO claim because the defendant had injured the plaintiff’s domestic property rights due to his inability to collect the judgment in California. However, the court declined to establish a specific set of factors or a clear-cut rule to guide future courts in assessing whether a “domestic injury” is alleged in similar cases.

5.2 Are there any particular tips you would give, or critical issues that you would flag, to clients seeking to recognise and enforce a foreign judgment in your jurisdiction?

If a judgment creditor has a choice of forum, it is important to evaluate each state’s statutes and case law to determine which is most favourable to the creditor’s prospects to have a foreign judgment recognised and enforced. For example, because Florida is one of a few states that includes “reciprocity” as a permissible ground for non-recognition, a judgment creditor may be advised to seek recognition in another state if the judgment at issue was rendered in a foreign jurisdiction that has a reputation of refusing to recognise and enforce U.S. judgments.

It is also important to consider bringing a “turn-over” proceeding in New York, whereby a judgment creditor may seek assets from a judgment debtor that may be located outside of the U.S. but whose assets are held by a financial institution or other third party subject to personal jurisdiction in New York. Attention should also be given to the different rules regarding property exempt from judgment enforcement.

Production Editor's Note

This chapter has been written by a member of ICLG's international panel of experts, who has been exclusively appointed for this task as a leading professional in their field by Global Legal Group, ICLG's publisher. ICLG's in-house editorial team carefully reviews and edits each chapter, updated annually, and audits each one for originality, relevance and style, including anti-plagiarism and AI-detection tools. This chapter was copy-edited by Annabelle Saunders , our in-house editor.